CLASSIC (SURPRISE) CONCERT: Bruce Springsteen & the E Street Band @ The Capitol Theatre / Passaic, NJ / December 31, 1977


Every working musician knows what they will be doing on New Year’s Eve—playing in a club through midnight to ring in the new year. Touring musicians may also find themselves playing on this night as well, often changing the timing of their set in order to be on stage when the clock hits the celebratory midnight moment. Some great historic concerts have happened on this holiday night, including one at New Jersey’s Capitol Theatre as 1977 turned into 1978. For one famous musician who was not working that night, it was just too hard for him to take a night off to relax and enjoy the evening.

Promoter John Scher welcomed everyone to the theatre with the greeting of “It’s New Year’s in New Jersey.” Southside Johnny and the Asbury Jukes were the New Year’s Eve headliners at the Capitol. Riding high on the success of their first two records, the band was moving from the clubs to the small theater, and this night was their biggest show to date. The Jukes were joined this evening by their founding member, producer and song contributor, Miami (he wasn’t called “Little” yet) Van Zandt on guitar and backing vocals. His special presence added the extra treat of him doing the Sam and Dave thing with Johnny on duets of “Broken Down Piece of Man” and “You Don’t Know Like I Know.”

The Juke’s set was on the money, and of course, whenever they played there was always the possibility of a Springsteen appearance. While it didn’t always happen, this night it did and in spades! Of all of the concerts I have been to, this certainly was the biggest musical surprise I have ever witnessed.

Another Asbury Park band, The Shakes opened the night, and The Jukes timed their set to start around 11:15pm. After a few songs, it was the midnight hour and surprise, surprise, a “loose” Bruce joined them in singing the Juke’s trademark show-stopper, Sam Cooke’s “Having a Party” right after the Miami Horns played the requisite “Auld Lang Syne.” Rockabilly singer, Robert Gordon, who was currently being embraced by the punk community, also joined in on the fun during “Stagger Lee” as did a steady flow of E Street Band members throughout the show.

Bruce stayed on for the rest of the set singing a little, but mostly just playing some added guitar. But, he really started letting go when he and Johnny set out to end the night trading vocals on an exhilarating version of Jackie Wilson’s “Higher and Higher.” The audience then started to head out the doors into the cold New Jersey night. I myself was in the lobby when I heard things starting up again. Bruce wanted to play some more, and everyone quickly rushed back inside to their seats.

Bruce and the E Street Band had not played together for over 9 months, and the Boss was just itching to perform. “I’m drunk and silly as a fool” said the man before kicking things off with covers of “Little Latin Lupe Lu” and “You Can’t Sit Down” during which he and the entire E Street Band were joined by several Jukes.


WNEW-FM was broadcasting the show live on the radio. Station DJ and Springsteen friend, Richard Neer was producing and MC-ing the event on the air and thought he’d just keep the tape rolling for a loose Bruce and the boys. But, Bruce was looking to just have some fun, and probably would rather not see a bootleg recording of this last-minute sloppy reunion. He gave word to kill the broadcast after the first two numbers, and it was then time for he and his band to get down to some serious business.

The surprise 45-minutes of Springsteen continued with “Backstreets,” “Born to Run” and came to a close with a cover of Gary U.S. Bonds’ “Quarter to Three.” “Backstreets” was a long extended version that included its first ever wrap with the lyrical improvisation that would eventually become the song “Drive All Night.” Maybe the E Streeters were a little sloppy, but this still was the best time I have ever had at 2am in the morning in Passaic.


While for years I have had an audio tape of the FM broadcast and a rough audience recording of the E Street set, never did I ever think I would ever get to relive this night through video footage. Well, lo and behold, in late 2014, the Capital Theater/Music Vault video archives up at You Tube added both the Southside Johnny and Bruce Springsteen segments. They may be black and white and grainy, but they are nonetheless priceless.

One final footnote about this night deals with the pulling of the plug on the FM broadcast. Richard Neer spoke about this in his 2001 book FM: The Rise and Fall of Rock Radio. Neer claims that when the show supposedly ended, the Jukes manager had asked him if the station had signed off. While replying in the affirmative, he did not take this as a sign that he couldn’t turn things back on for Bruce and simply did.

Southside then became livid and started threatening Neer when he found out they were still broadcasting Bruce. Neer then found the fortitude to tell Johnny that he was holding out until he heard from Bruce. The Jukes manager soon got to Springsteen on stage who through some violent head shakes signaled to Neer to stop the broadcast. The odd thing is Neer’s claim that it all ended with Bruce profusely apologizing to him for Southside’s anger instead of taking issue with Neer’s zeal to make some radio history.





    1. I was thinking more that the two things were “wrapped” together – maybe it was an unintended pun.

  1. EarthGround · · Reply

    I enjoyed reading this, thanks.

  2. Thanks for the recap. I was there and we had left after what seemed to be the end of the show. Got in the car, put on WNEW only to hear Neer say, “and Bruce is coming back onstage. I looked at my friend and without a word, we both bolted out of the car and ran back to the theater, just making it in as they were locking the doors. A lifetime memory.

  3. Johnny Florio · · Reply

    Nice summary of an unbelievable night. I was there with a few friends. It was one of my first dates with a girl that I’m still married to. We stayed in our seats as the crowd was filing out when we heard someone from the stage say something like “don’t leave,” as I recall. It was more unbelievable when I found the youtube video allowing me to relive the events 40 years later. Seeing the video was surreal.

    Anyway, my wife got me Richard Neer’s book, FM, for Christmas. After reading your review, I skipped to the section that you mentioned was in his book. I noticed that he said the show “ushered in1980.” I started to question my memory, but I’m sure it ushered in 1978.

    We went to the 1978/79 new years show too. Joel Gramolini had joined the band, brother of Gary Gramolini who played with Beaver Brown. No Bruce.

    Thanks. I was a night my wife and I will never forget.

    1. Nice to hear from you Johnny. I was just telling my wife yesterday about how a friend and I went to the show without dates and felt so lonely on NYE. I went next year – two nights I seem to recall. Great but missing that once in a lifetime magic. Have a great 2021.

  4. Greg Giger · · Reply

    I went with a High School friend and my brother and his girlfriend. My friend and I novice concert goers at the time, arrived at the car after Johnny went off stage and went back to the theater to find my brother only to be waved back in. Can not believe they let us back in.

    okay I remember a few more details but would like to know if anyone else remembers this. Bruce while playing on stage laying down on the piano during Johnny’s set, he actually forgot the words to one of the classics.(Maybe this is why he did not want it recorded) I do not remember which one since I had had a few. Also, I do not think Bruce finished the show on stage with Johnny and I remember him climbing through the audience right by me to get off stage!!!

    The capital had great seating but for that show when Bruce came on all the people gradually left their seats and it was like the original floor general admission that we have today no one was in the balcony everyone had jammed into the first 30 rows of seats!

    Close to the best concert ever!!What a memory.

    Greg G

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