11 Questions to a Nashville Musician: Carl Anderson

Carl Anderson

Singer-songwriter Carl Anderson releases a new six-song EP “You Can Call Me Carl” via Tone Tree Music on May 31. But instead of waiting, you can now listen to the first two singles from the EP, “Roses” and “Ten Different Reasons,” through Carl’s website.  If you like smart clever lyrics with a touch of perky pop in your Americana, you will love what Carl has to offer in these two songs that’ll have you hitting the replay button.

With witty lines like “I’m about as low as I can go, everything’s coming up roses” and “I may be standing in a welfare line, but I got ten different reasons why I feel all right,” Carl adds some subtle optimistic humor into songs about some less-than perfect situations. Says Carl “I realized through this process that we’re capable of handling a lot more pain than we think we can.”

As a writer, Carl has written songs for Andrew Combs, Devon Gilfillian and Becca Mancari. He’s also been out on the road with Paul Cauthen, and you can see him here on May 1 when he opens for The War and Treaty at 3rd & Lindsley. Thanks Carl for playing along with the 11 Questions.


Where are you from originally, when did you move to Nashville and why?

I come originally from a place called Charlottesville, VA. I lived there until I moved to Nashville nearly five years ago. I knew I needed to go and live somewhere else. I wasn’t feeling so inspired by things back in Virginia, which frankly caused me to become quite depressed. I had also heard Mike Cooley (of the Drive-By Truckers) sing, “Nashville’s where you go to see if what is said is so.” I needed to be the proverbial “small fish”.

What are the first and the last records you bought, and where did you buy them? Were they CD, vinyl or digital?

I used to take the money I earned working various restaurant jobs growing up and go and buy CDs at a place called Plan 9 music. I listened to a lot of bluegrass and folk back in that day, so I can imagine maybe it being a Nickel Creek or Gillian Welch record. I can’t remember exactly but it was probably something like that.

First and last live concerts that you’ve seen?

I believe my first concert experience happened in 7th grade when I accompanied my older sister to see a local band called Earth to Andy at a rock club in Charlottesville called Trax. My most recent concert was seeing the brilliant Lucy Dacus here in Nashville at the Basement East.

Whose star should be added to the Music City Walk of Fame?

I would push for John Prine to be inducted. He has spent decades making incredible work here in Nashville that has had an enormous impact on songwriters all over the world.

Where do you go in Nashville for coffee and pizza?

I get coffee at Dose and pizza at Five Points. Both are always great and also on my side of town.

What’s your favorite record to ever come out of Nashville?

My favorite album to come out of Nashville is Bob Dylan’s Nashville Skyline. I think his voice on this album is so strange and his collaboration with Johnny Cash is just very special.

Where’s the best place to eat late night after a show?

If I am peckish post-performance, I like to go and have a cheeseburger and fries from Dino’s. It’s consistently delicious.

The Bluebird calls and asks you to host an “In the Round.” Pick three local songwriters to join you.

If the Bluebird asked me to put together a round I would choose Aaron Livingston, Katie Pruitt and Molly Parden.

What are your favorite music venues to play in town?

My favorite venue in town to play would have to be the OG Basement aka the Basement on 8th Avenue. I like the intimacy, and the stage sound is always excellent.

Name a musician who you’d like to see move here?

I would like for Bill Clinton to move here. I’ll bet he’d make it on a lot of records.

Finally, what’s in your musical future?

It’s hard to predict the future, but I am releasing an EP in May entitled You Can Call Me Carl. Other than that, I plan on writing and recording as much music as I can. I imagine I’ll be out there on the road a fair amount too.



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